Celebrations in Babai
Are you planning to organize outbound program for your company, Gathering with friends, Refreshment tour, Family Package far away from Croud and Noisy Place? Bardia National Park will be the best place for you as you can do here several game safaris such as Elephant Ride, tiger tracking , jeep safari, jungle walk, rafting ,fishing and many more game safaris where it can be done here to make your staff as well as your family mind fresh being out of the polluted town . Bardia National Park is Nearby Nepaljung & Kohalpur with easy access by road.You can contact us for your pick up either in Nepaljung airport or in the cities.
Babai resort in Bardia National Park can provide you all facilities under one roof with swimming pool. Babai resort in Bardia has 8 Suites room , 16 Premium room ,10 Deluxe room , 7 Family room accommodation with all major facilities including arrangement of all sorts of corporate events . You may also organize fun and leisure trip for your families, friends & among group of Company members.
Corporate meeting in between lap of Nature : Have you not got bored of organizing your meeting at compact and close environment in cities, think of organizing your target review meeting in fresh environment with clear clean air to breath which can 100% enhance the thinking and mental level of any person.